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30 Hours Later…

our journey to India was over but we still had more traveling yet to do the next day. i didn’t know what to expect when we landed in Chennai (MAA). however i was a little surprised that it wasn’t nearly as humid as it was in Malaysia even though people …

In and Out of KL

we had about a 7.5 hour lay-over in Kuala Lumpur so Malaysia Airlines paid for a hotel room and lunch while we waited for our next flight to Chennai, India (MAA). as we left the airport the humidity didn’t waste any time to reintroduce itself to me. thankfully, i’m on …

Where Did Tuesday Go?

it is that time again to get myself out of the country and into a mission trip and to eventually use the …

Eeny, Meenie, Miney, Mo

when my mom came home from work yesterday, she had a box which had three interesting and delightful objects of consumption. honestly, …

Peace “In”

okay… this is the last post of the three posts that had gotten away from me. even though it was ten days …